All of your health tools in one place.
When you and your provider collaborate on your health care, you are BETTER TOGETHERSM. At GHC-SCW, we believe that collaboration starts with good, direct communication. With an online GHCMyChartSM account, you can have access to smart, secure and simple tools that allow you and your provider to better manage your health, together.
- Message your provider.
- Schedule in-person or GHCMyChart Video visit appointments online.
- Access GHC Care OnDemand’s virtual urgent care or therapy options 24/7/365.
- View select test results, immunization records and health summaries.
- Refill medications.
- View and pay your bill.
- Connect to your family’s medical and insurance information with GHCFamilyChart.
- Set up push, email and text notifications for appointment reminders, test results and more.
- Integrate your fitness tracking with your FitBit, Withings or iPhone.
- And much more!

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Make the Most Out of GHCMyChartSM
GHCMyChartSM Resources & FAQ
We are committed to protecting your confidentiality. GHCMyChartSM uses bank-grade security to safeguard your medical information.
For details, visit our Privacy page or call our Privacy Officer at (608) 662-4899.
What is GHCMyChartSM?
GHCMyChart offers GHC-SCW members secure online access to their health records. You'll use a computer or smartphone (online or through our app) to log in and see your records. The information you'll be able to see comes from GHC-SCW medical and insurance records. You can sign up to see your children's records through GHCFamilyChart Proxy access.
Click here to learn more about MyChartSM.
Who can use GHCMyChartSM?
You need to be a GHC-SCW member over the age of 18 to sign up. If your children are members of GHC-SCW but you aren't, you can use GHCFamilyChart Proxy access to see their chart.
How do I create an account?
To get started, you will need an activation code. You can request the code on this page:
Is my access code my user ID?
No, your access code is not your GHCMyChartSM ID or password. You will use this code only once to log into GHCMyChartSM for the first time. (The code will expire after you have used it or after 30 days). When you log into GHCMyChartSM the first time, you will create your own unique GHCMyChartSM ID and password. Your six digit member number is your username.
Can I contact my provider through GHCMyChartSM?
Yes, you can message your Primary Care Provider through GHCMyChartSM. Once you log in to GHCMyChartSM, click the Message Center in the left menu bar to send and view messages. GHC-SCW providers will try to respond to your message within three business days.
Is GHCMyChartSM required?
You do not have to have a GHCMyChartSM account. Accounts are only created by your request.
What is Proxy Access (or GHCFamilyChart)?
For children younger than 18, you can access their records through GHCFamilyChart.
We have two levels of GHCFamilyChart access:
- GHCFamilyChart (under age 12)
- GHCFamilyChart (age 12-17)
What can I access through GHCFamilyChart (under age 12)?
Parents and legal guardians can:
- Send messages to your child’s providers
- Schedule appointments
- View upcoming and past appointments
- Pay bills
- Refill medications
- View immunization records and test results
What can I access through GHCFamilyChart (age 12-17)?
When your child turns 12, your access changes. At GHC-SCW, we recognize recognize the importance of adolescent confidentiality. Your child will have a confidential space to seek medical information and evidence-based health care advice.
Through GHCFamilyChart, you can still:
- Send messages to your child’s care team
- View immunizations
- Pay bills
- Refill most medications
- Review most test results
Who can have GHCFamilyChart access?
Both biological parents and any legal guardians may request and receive GHCFamilyChart accounts. In some cases, GHC-SCW may need legal documents as proof of relationship.
If you're a step-parent, foster parent, adult child or power of attorney, you might be eligible for an alternative. Contact the GHC-SCW Health Information Department at (608) 441-3500, option 1 to discuss.
What happens to my GHCFamilyChart account when my child turns 18?
When your child turns 18, your GHCFamilyChart account will automatically deactivated.
What kind of technology do I need to have to get an account?
To log into GHCMyChartSM, you need:
- An operating system with Windows 98 or higher
- An internet connection
- An internet service provider (ISP)
- A personal email address
Does the network I select for Primary Care affect my access to GHCMyChartSM?
Yes, your primary care network may affect what services you can access in your account. Members in the GHC-SCW clinics network have all available options. Other network clinics might have different options available to their patients. For example, online appointment scheduling might only be available for GHC-SCW primary care clinics.
How is my information secured and protected?
GHC-SCW protects the confidentiality of medical information. Firewalls, passwords, encryption and audit trails are used to safeguard member information. The GHCMyChartSM site is a registered site through Verisign®, a standard in securing information on the internet.
How do I change my information in my account?
You can update your address, email and phone number in your account. From your login page, go to Administration on the bottom left menu. Then you can make updates to your information.
What is changing about GHCMyChartSM?
Starting March 1, 2024, we will be implementing a $10 flat fee for GHCMyChartSM messages from members that take more than 5 minutes of provider time to review, make a medical
decision and write a response.
Why is GHC-SCW charging fees for GHCMyChartSM messages?
In recent years, the number of member-generated messages on GHCMyChartSM has dramatically increased. This has put pressure on our providers and care teams, who spend a considerable amount of clinical time responding to patient messages about complex conditions.
Our goal is to provide excellent service and high-quality care to as many members as possible. We want to do this in a way that is both safe for members and efficient for the Cooperative. To support the resources and infrastructure needed to meet the message demand through GHCMyChartSM, like many organizations around the country, we are starting a message fee.
What kinds of GHCMyChartSM messages will be charged fees?
The fee will only be applied to specific messages that require more than five minutes of
provider time. The message must be from you (the patient) and sent to your healthcare team. Message fees are not limited to primary care providers and include GHC-SCW specialty providers.
What kinds of GHCMyChartSM messages will not be charged fees?
- Messages that require less than five minutes of provider time
- If someone on the GHC-SCW care team starts the message chain
- If you're sending a follow-up message on the same health topic to a provider that you saw in the past seven days, you will not incur a fee
- If your provider is unavailable and the message is answered by another provider, you may incur a fee
- If your message is about a new health topic, you may incur a fee
- Customer service questions to our Member Services department via GHCMyChartSM will not incur a fee
Will I be charged for each message in the same conversation?
No. The charge will only be applied once to a GHCMyChartSM conversation message with your provider that requires more than five minutes of provider time to respond to.
How much will a GHCMyChartSM message fee cost?
If the message that you have sent requires more than five minutes of provider time, you will be charged a $10 fee.
Will insurance cover the cost?
No, this fee will not be billed to insurance. This is a fee that must be paid by the patient.
How do I pay the fee?
After the provider's response, a code will be processed by the billing department. You will be sent a bill, that you can pay online through GHCMyChartSM or by mailing a check made out to Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin or GHC-SCW at the address below:
Box 88619
Milwaukee, WI 53288-0619
Will my flex spending account (FSA) cover this fee?
The fee may qualify for FSA coverage. Please check with your flex spending account program
for details. Individuals are responsible for providing submissions for FSA reimbursement.
I am insured through WI Medicaid/BadgerCare Plus/Medicare. Will I be charged this fee?
No, patients who are on WI Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus and Medicare insurance will not be
charged this fee.
I'm not sure if I'll be charged a fee if I ask my medical question through GHCMyChartSM. Should I schedule a face-to-face or virtual care visit with my provider?
There is no way to know if a message may incur a fee. If you have a question that may require more specialized thought and attention from your provider, it may be best to schedule a face-to-face or virtual care visit with your provider.
How will I know if I will be charged for a provider response before I send my message?
The fee is determined by how much time your provider has spent responding to the message. There is no way to know if a message will be charged a fee until the provider has responded to the message.
I have a question about my fee. Who should I contact?
If you have questions, please call the GHC-SCW Member Services Team at (608) 828-4853 or
toll-free at (800) 605-4327, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.